How to Equip Rebreather in GTA 5: A Comprehensive Guide


The Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) game offers a vast open world for players to explore, with various missions and activities to engage in. One of the essential tools in the game is the rebreather, which allows players to explore underwater areas without worrying about drowning. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of equipping a rebreather in GTA 5, along with answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about this useful item.

How to Equip Rebreather in GTA 5:

Equipping the Rebreather:

1. Unlocking the Rebreather: Before you can equip a rebreather, you need to unlock it. The rebreather becomes available after completing the "The Merryweather Heist" mission in Story Mode. Once you've completed this mission, the rebreather can be found in your inventory.

2. Accessing the Inventory: To equip the rebreather, you'll need to access your character's inventory. Press the "M" key on your keyboard (or the equivalent button on your gaming console) to open the menu. From the menu, navigate to the "Inventory" section.

3. Selecting the Rebreather: In the inventory menu, scroll through the available items until you find the rebreather. Once you've located it, select the rebreather to equip it.

4. Equipping the Rebreather: After selecting the rebreather, it will be automatically equipped to your character. You can now use it whenever you need to explore underwater areas in the game.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1: Where can I find the rebreather in GTA 5?

The rebreather can be found in your inventory after completing "The Merryweather Heist" mission in Story Mode.

Q2: Can I use the rebreather during online multiplayer sessions?

Yes, the rebreather can also be used during online multiplayer sessions in GTA 5.

Q3: How long can I stay underwater with the rebreather?

The rebreather allows you to stay underwater for an extended period, significantly increasing your breath-holding time.

Q4: Can the rebreather be used in any body of water?

Yes, you can use the rebreather in any body of water in GTA 5, including oceans, lakes, and rivers.

Q5: Can I use weapons while wearing the rebreather?

Yes, you can use weapons while wearing the rebreather, allowing you to defend yourself against enemies underwater.

Q6: Does the rebreather have any limitations?

While the rebreather provides an extended breath-holding time, it is not unlimited. Eventually, you will need to resurface to replenish your oxygen.

Q7: Can I recharge the rebreather's oxygen supply?

Unfortunately, the rebreather's oxygen supply cannot be recharged. Once it runs out, you will need to resurface to replenish your oxygen.

Q8: Can I share the rebreather with other players in online multiplayer?

No, the rebreather is a personal item and cannot be shared with other players in online multiplayer sessions.

Q9: Can I sell or get rid of the rebreather?

The rebreather cannot be sold or permanently removed from your inventory. It will always be available for use whenever you need it.

Q10: Are there any alternatives to the rebreather in GTA 5?

Yes, in addition to the rebreather, players can also use scuba gear to explore underwater areas in GTA 5.


Equipping the rebreather in GTA 5 is a simple process that allows players to explore underwater areas without the fear of drowning. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can easily equip the rebreather and enjoy the immersive underwater world of GTA 5. If you have any additional questions, refer to the FAQs section for further clarification.


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